A very musical week

OK, this is why the past week has been very musical:
I started a weekly 3 hour class on songwriting and production, taught by my friend Darren Clarke, at the Modern Music Academy. It is from 6-9 PM on Thursdays, and we are going to work on crafting good demos, which is something I need some work on.
I bought Logic, Apple’s big brother to Garage Band, and I started watching a tutorial on Lynda.com about how to use it, and I recorded my first rough demo of a lovely new song called Downhill, which I will post.
I spent two nights this past weekend playing music, recording music, messing around with Logic, and drinking way too much beer.
I will cap it off tonight by attending a concert of Lindsey Buckingham, the Fleetwood Mac frontman.

There is one thing I could have done to make the week even more musical. This past Sunday, there was a concert about 1/2 hour from my house that featured Los Lobos and X, and I did not go. I did yard work instead. How dumb is that? I LOVE Los Lobos and I LOVE X. Talk about a dreamy double bill. But I came up with some lame excuse as to why I should not go. Dumb dumb dumb. Regret Regret Regret.